I have arrived~! And my first day in my hometown, sounds like the opening scene of a movie. (How appropriate. lol)
Before I even arrived, a schoolmate offered to have her husband and his friend install the window A/C for me (because while it is not quite as hot as Sacramento, the humidity is taking a bit of an adjustment ?).
Later, I took a break out on the front porch swing, enjoying the cool breeze. Soon a guy on a golf cart came right up to my front step, and said his son (sitting next to him on the golf cart), would mow my lawn for $20. Found out later the Dad knows the brother of the friend whose house I am staying in.
Shortly after they left, a gentleman came down the sidewalk, registering people to vote. We get to chatting, and discover he was in the same graduating class as my sister, Wanda! I text her, and she says yeah, they chatted when she was back 2 years ago for their class reunion.
Everyone here seems to know everyone. Definitely feels like it’s a small world.
#coast2prairie #canyougohomeagain #filmdiva #farmgirl