Nature Encounters

This beautiful picture was taken by my travel buddy as we drove through Yellowstone Park, on the car trip to Iowa.  We ‘discovered’ it on one of those ‘inadvertent detours’, that feel spirit led.  As soon as I saw this stream I was overwhelmed by its tranquil beauty, and a deep feeling of serenity washed over me.   It reminded me of the reverence I feel when experiencing the beauty and majesty of Yosemite…the natural beauty creating a spiritual resonance.

Later this bison walked right past the driver’s side of our car.  The creature sauntered past, as though we were not even there.  I was so excited when I first saw it, I struggled to get my camera out and mentally asked it to slow down. And it really did seem to stroll extra slowly, giving me just enough time to take a quick photo.

Since arriving in Iowa, I continue to have more interactions with nature.  Driving to a nearby town, a magnificent doe (female deer) crossed in front of my car…and time stood still.  No time to snap a photo, but remembering the glittering golden tan coat, and graceful delicate legs, she now reminds me of a lead ballerina performing on stage.

Such beauty in the world.  May it be ever so.

2 thoughts on “Nature Encounters”

  1. You are so great with words. Your descriptions make me feel like I am right there with you. Looking forward to future posts!

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