Midwestern cooking

While my friend was at work, I made some chicken enchiladas from a recipe she gave me, and they came out great!  I even sent this picture of them bubbling in the oven, right before she was coming home from work.  Later I looked at the cookbook cover, and realized all the recipes were contributed from people in my hometown, Laurens!   (No wonder they’re delicious. LOL)

Had to laugh when I noticed how many of the recipes, including the one I made, list a can of some type of cream soup in the ingredients. Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Celery, Cream of Chicken.  And I remembered I still find myself picking up a few cans of cream soup whenever they are on sale, to keep as a pantry staple.  Must be a habit I got learning to cook in Iowa.

After moving to California, my cooking changed.   I now use olive oil, instead of bacon fat.  Do more steaming, than frying.  I experiment with new exotic spices.  And love being able to incorporate fresh local produce year round (including fresh garlic, which for some reason my Mom never used).

Yet some eating and cooking habits from my Midwest roots, remain.  As the seasons change from summer to fall, I find myself craving ‘meat and potato’ type comfort type…which this area does so well!   For example recently, my friend made an amazingly good roast beef.   So for a side I made a pan of root vegetables:  roasted potatoes, carrots, onions.  Very Midwestern.  BUT I added yams, and garlic to the mix  (Maybe your Mom made it that way in Iowa, but my Mom never did).    So delish~!

Guess we are all the product of a unique combination of cooking and food throughout our lives.   What or who has influenced your cooking and eating?

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1 thought on “Midwestern cooking”

  1. Hey…which LZ Cookbook? I have a old one from the Catholic Church but wondering if I can get a copy if there still is one if this cookbook is newer

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